

  • Client-Server (non-monolithic/microservices)(?)


  • Basically: Frontend ←–> REST-API (CRUD) ←–> Matchmaking Library


Registration with aoe2-Profile-ID
  • e.g. `!register <aoe2 profile id>` – register the given account with the discord name
  • then you are asked by Direct Message to create a lobby with special randomly generated settings
  • the created lobby and the options are then checked by the bot and the mapping to the account is done internally
  • good thing is that the register endpoint can theoretically be queried from the outside with all kinds of stuff (should be platform-agnostic, whether it's from openage or from voobly, from a discord bot, a web-app or anything else)


  • basic PG stuff I guess for the user information
  • maybe a fast in-memory database for anything temporary that is only needed during the actual matchmaking process


  • if it is less likely that you will find a match in the next 2-3 minutes, it will recommend you better settings to find a faster match
  • people should see how many players queue in the different settings
  • they should be free to queue at a setting they chose to find a match
    • they should be able to play what they want
    • if there are no players in that settings, we give feedback and recommend them settings how they would find a faster match
    • like having dynamically pop up an Arabia 1v1 queue because there are like 25 people queuing right now
      • could click on it and jump into the queue
      • if there is another queue for Socotra, and you have Socotra in your settings as a “beloved map”,
        • and there are 7 people in it, you could feel free to pull that into your personal queue as well and check if one or both queues gives you a game and so on

Recorded games upload and analysation

  • librematch/design/matchmaking/architecture/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2 years ago
  • by nimda